2016 goals - how did I get on?

As I've mentioned before, last year was an odd and sometimes very tough year for me. As we are now head first into 2017, I thought I'd take a look back at the some goals I set myself last year to see how I got on. I feel like I started the year strong yet got lazy as the months went on. But at least I tried eh? Even if I didn't quite succeed.

1. See even more of the world
This one I absolutely smashed with flying colours. Yeah it skinted me quite a few times but it was 100% worth it. The more of the world I see, the more desperate I become to see more. I've fallen even more in love with Europe and sometimes can't quite believe that I live on such an incredible, diverse continent.

2. Put more of my passion into my blog
So for the second year running I have kinda failed at this goal. I can't imagine never having this little piece of the internet but I guess my motivation isn't quite as high as it should be. I absolutely adore putting my words down in a post but it's not high on my list of priorities at the minute. I struggled to find the time this year thanks to a long commute. Opening my laptop isn't always the first thing on my mind when I get home from work. But I'm so proud of everything this blog has achieved and it's without a doubt one of the best things I ever did.

3. Spend more time with those I've known the longest
Well I didn't do very well at this one either. I didn't see some of my oldest friends as much as I would have liked. But the older I'm getting, the more I'm realising is that this just happens. We all work such longs hours and lead such 100 mph lives that it's natural to not see people as often as you liked. But I have realised that the friendships I do have are pretty special. Even if I don't see them for six months, five minutes into a conversation it's like we have seen each other yesterday.

4. Look after my skin
I really noticed my troublesome skin last year as the commuting took it's toll. Some nights I was lazy and just used a wipe and other nights I spend 20 minutes pampering my skin with my lotions and potions. I wasn't very consistent and it showed if my breakouts and dry skin are anything to go by. I have gotten out of the habit of sleeping in my make up which is a bonus. Small steps...

5. Learn to have more self confidence
2016 was the year that I began to really trust my instincts. The year I stopped being so unsure and just went for things. Sure I had little wobbles but the mantra 'fake it till you make it' really does work. I just winged certain situations and to my surprise, I pulled them off. The one thing I'm enjoying about getting older is my confidence growing in myself. I feel so much more sure of what I want and what I won't put up with.

So, last year didn't quite go to plan as I would have liked given at how many of my goals I failed to hit. But that's ok, sometimes life just gets in the way. That's the fun thing - you never know what will be around the corner. Stay tuned for my goals for 2017. I'm determined to tick them all off this year. *She says*

A look back at 2016

So another year over eh? The picture above is probably my favourite one of the year. I get such a huge grin on my face every time I spot it and it reminds me of some of the best two weeks of my life. I remember feeling so carefree. We'd been at a Hungarian festival all day, drunk £6 bottles of 'champagne', sat in the sunshine, made paper windmills in the art tent and were just about to watch Rihanna who just so happened to mine her way through the entire set. Sometimes the best moments in life aren't Instagram perfect or follow a careful script. Real life shouldn't have a filter.

I came into 2016 reeling from the shock of being made redundant, undertaking the uncertainty of being freelance and quite frankly at a loss at how to move forward. It's not until I look back at the period in my life that I realise just how unhappy I was during 2015. I feel like a different person now.

Luckily 2016 has been has been an improvement. It's been a year of extreme lows but also a year of extreme highs. Both in my personal and in my professional life.  Sometimes I just can't quite believe how much I have packed into 12 months. A year that feels like it has flown by but also a year that has moved at a snail pace.

In March I was made permanent at my current job after freelancing for a few months. I was and am still over the moon to be working with such a great team and for such a fab publication. I genuinely enjoy getting up in the morning and commuting to London. I absolutely love being back in the city and embracing the London lifestyle. I fully committed to seeing the big wide world with an incredible five new countries crossed off my list and six new European cities. It's made me realise just how much I thrive from going to to new places. It's only increased my desire to see everything out there! We have hopefully bought a house too which came out of nowhere! We wasn't really looking but one came up that we loved the look of. After a few tense weeks we finally had our offer accepted and are now just waiting for the whole process to go through. It's not completely set in stone but I'm quietly confident that it will all go through. I just hope it doesn't come back and bite me in the bum!

As a family we've taken a fair few knocks this year and at times things have been tough. Tougher than they have ever been. But if one thing they have taught me is that you knock us down, we get back up again. We will get through it as a unit. The rollercoaster is something that will probably carry on until 2017.

Despite that I'm looking forward to 2017. I'm seeing in the New Year in Glasgow with three of my favourite people, a city that I've never visited. Hopefully March sees me finally move out into my first home with my boyfriend - still working on a move date! I have a few weddings to attend and a holiday traveling around Poland to plan. Plans have slightly changed with Warsaw, Krakow and Gdansk on the list now but that's the beauty of planning a holiday!

Thank you so much for everyone who has read my little piece of the internet - sometimes I can't quite believe that I've been writing it so long. I honestly can't imagine it not being part of my life. I haven't quite nurtured it as much as I wanted to in 2016 but hoping to invest more time next year. I've got some big plans! This will be my last post of 2016 so I'll see you on the flip side!

Three ways to style your shelves

If you're anything like me, you spend hours lusting over Pinterest at the interiors. Dream of perfecting the perfect shelves and having a room worthy of taking pride of place in a interiors magazines. But sometimes they can look a little too sterile. Like no one lives there, they simply exist to take pictures of. Here are my tips on how to add a little personality to yourself without giving into clutter!

Too much tat on a shelf can look untidy and cluttered. But adding a few trinkets can help give your selves personality. Pick a few things from your adventures, things that represent you and mean a lot to you. I have a collection of Russian Dolls from Budapest to remind me of my holiday. I have a Peaky Blinders pin badge that I was given in a secret Santa from Hannah.

Wall art
A few years ago I made a pact to pick up a different print from every city I visited. I'm missing a few as sometimes they can be hard to track down but now have a pretty healthy collection. Eventually I'd love to have a gallery wall above my sofa in my future house. But, for now I'm displaying them on shelves. They make a great talking point and bring back memories every time you catch them.

Despite owning a Kindle, I still have a love affair with books. At the moment my obsession is with travel books. I think I might actually be keeping Lonely Planet in business... I spend hours reading them, making notes and dreaming about places I've yet to visit. I like to scatter a few of my favourites on my shelves and change them whenever I fancy a change. Coffee tables books look great too. I'm slowing building up my collection of Hygge inspired books!

How do you style your shelves?


2016: A year in travel

2016 has been an absolute whirlwind. I didn't think anything travel wise could beat 2015 but looks like I was wrong! I never made it outside Europe this year but it has made me appreciate just what a beautiful continent I'm lucky enough to live on. I have such a love affair with Europe and can't rave about it enough. So much culture, beauty and incredible food just a few hours away. I almost don't want to visit anywhere else... I also got to see a lot more of the UK this year which has been fab. A few weekends away in your own backyard are great for recharging your batteries. So where did I end up this year?

The Cotswolds
Back in Feburay I headed to the Cotswolds to help celebrate Sarah's birthday with all my blogger chums. It was my first time in that part of the world and it certainly won't be my last. Just three hours from London, it felt a world away from the hustle and bustle of the capital. We stayed in a beautiful National Trust property and spend the weekend eating cake, taking long rambling walks and putting the world to rights. Who says people on the internet are weirdos?

After stumbling across £20 flights, it was off to Cologne in March. Despite only having previously been to Berlin, Germany is my favourite country so I was excited to explore more. Cologne was the perfect long weekend away. It's not a big place and if I'm honest, four days was probably a bit too long. But it gave us ample time to wander around aimlessly and truly relax. There was no strict timetable to stick too! I developed a love of German beer, ate a pork knuckle as big as my head and nearly died as we walked to the top of the cathedral.

I booked this as a birthday treat for my boyfriend but ended up falling head over heels with the Scandinavian city. It was absolutely incredible and one of the best places I have ever visited. I could see myself very happily living there for the rest of my life. THE FOOD! Oh my the food. It was some of the best I've ever eaten. We ate like absolutely kings and came home like paupers thanks to the ridiculous prices. And I thought London was expensive. But it was 100% worth and I'd do exactly the same again.

The first stop on our epic Eastern European trip was the Czech Republic capital. After promising to visit for the past nine years, we finally made it. We had four days which was perfect. We'd done all the main sights within 3 days so we had one day to relax and soak up the atmosphere. The old town was absolutely stunning and it's probably one of the prettiest cities I have visited. The endless terracotta roofs were darling. We had some of the best food of our entire trip here, enjoyed the local beer, trekked to the top of a ginormous hill and battled the crowds on the Charles Bridge.

We completely misjudged Vienna when we only scheduled in two days in the city. It turned out we actually only had 36 hours which wasn't long enough at all. I was so blown away by the stunning architecture and feel so sad we only scratched the surface. Unfortunately we couldn't inside anywhere but that just means we shall have to book a trip back.

This city was a game changer. Only put on the itinerary because it was somewhere to spilt the trip between Vienna and Budapest, it ended up being my favourite place I visited over the two weeks. The quaint Slovakian capital was hip, pretty and buzzing. I loved the cafe culture - endless locals spilling out into the street sipping on coffee and watching the world go by. Two days was the perfect amount of time.

It took a while for me to warm up to this city. It was dirty, grimy and not that welcoming. After coming from three beautiful cities, it took a while to get used too. But after a couple of days I grew to love its quirks and ended up having the most fun during the trip in the Hungarian capital. We managed to grab some festival tickets and wandering past the stunning lit up Houses of Parliament at 2am with three of my favourite people is one of my favourite memories. However, getting up for the plane home the next day was not a fun memory...

June saw a trip down to Bristol to visit a good friend for a girls weekend away. Boy did the four of us cackle the whole weekend. We stuffed our faces with pizza, took strolls along the harbour and danced until 5am. We realise that maybe we were too old for the latter... I couldn't recommend Bristol enough for a weekend away. It positively shines in the sunshine!

We had such a good time in Bristol that we scheduled another girls weekend away in October to my BBF's old university town. I'd been to Plymouth before but never really ventured any further than the student union. We ate gorgeous Thai food, got the boat over to Cornwall, got stranded in Cornwall and had beautiful Autumnal sunshine.

Pic taken from Bow Dream Nation

This hasn't actually happened yet but I'll be in the Scottish city this time in two weeks. We're flying out on Boxing Day for a wedding and NYE. With a full week in the city, I can't wait to really sample all the foodie delights on offer. I've heard such GREAT things. I want to see a few sights but am also going to try and take it easy so I go back to work in 2017 feeling nice and refreshed.

Five series on Netflix to watch over the Christmas break

1. Peaky Blinders
If you know me in real life you will know just how obsessed I am with this programme. It features two of my favourite actors - Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy - so I was always going to tune in. Set in Birmingham just after WW1, it follows the Shelby gangster family as they struggle to go legitimate. With six episodes in each series, it's perfect to binge watch. Keep in mind that once you start you won't be able to stop! The cinematopgraphy is stunning, the acting is superb, the costumes are gorgeous and the storyline is addictive.

2. Medici: Masters of Florence
Florence has been on my travel wishlist for years and Robb Stark is my favourite King of the North. So when I found out a new series starring Richard Madden based on the Medici dynasty in 15th century Florence, I started counting down until it dropped on Netflix. The Medici family was an Italian banking family who clawed their way up in society. I knew nothing of this family so have found the series to be so interesting. with the beautiful backdrop is a plus too.

3. The Crown
A Netflix original, there's been a lot of hype around this series about the British Royal family. Despite growing up in the UK,  I don't really know too much about our monarchy. The series is full of scandal and makes you realise that the Royals could be just like us after all. Matt Smith gets under my skin as Prince Philipp and Claire Foy is superb as the Queen.

4. Homeland
The first series of this programme is up there as one of the finest I have ever seen. I think I watched the whole thing in less than a week. The American political thriller is fast paced and strangely topical at the moment. Claire Danes will exhaust you and Damien Lewis will once again keep you enthralled.

5. The Office UK
An oldie but such a goodie. For some reason the Ricky Gervais comedy always reminds me of Christmas. The mockumentary sitcom following the day-to-day lives of office workers in Slough makes me belly laugh every time. It's so unbelievably cringe worthy. David Brent really is the best character Ricky Gervais has created.


How to spend a lazy weekend

Mustard pattern cushion: Rooi*, grey ombre throw: Next*, Lonely Planet guide books: Amazon, 36 hours 125 Weekends in Europe: Amazon, pineapple candle: Primark, white chair: second hand

Due to a few things happening in real life, I've really scaled back my weekends and taken a step back. Usually I spend both days frantically fitting things in and constantly back and forth on trains into London. By the time Monday morning rolls around, I wake up exhausted ready to start the working week. The last few weeks I've very rarely left my Essex town instead choosing to spend my free days at home. I feel so much better for it and haven't even really felt the FOMO. It's been so nice to mooch around at my leisure and spend some time with local family and friends.

I've been setting aside one day at the weekend where I literally don't leave the house. Sometimes I don't even get dressed! Boy has it been good for the soul...

I never set an alarm and even if I do wake up early I like to lounge around and very rarely get up before 11am. I love to treat myself to a indulgent breakfast - smashed avocado, crumbled feta and chili flakes on crusty tiger bread is my brunch of choice. Then I like to potter around to do a few life admin bits and bobs that I have missed out during the week.

After lunch I like to settle down with a book underneath a cosy throw with a cushion and a candle flickering in the background. Sometimes it is my Game Of Thrones book on my kindle - on the third book now! - or it something from my collection of travel books. I'm absolutely obsessed with travel books. It could be researching places I've already booked or looking for inspiration for must-visit countries in the future. My list grows bigger by the day! I'm forever making wish lists on Air BnB in far flung places.

I've been really enjoying to put aside a Sunday to bake or cook something new from my mountain of cookbooks. So I usually volunteered to cook dinner for the evening.

How do you spend a lazy weekend? I recommend you take a day out for yourself!


3 ways I've been embracing Autumn this year

1. Experimenting in the kitchen
I'm a cookbook addict. At last count I think its at about 60. I have such an obsession with buying them yet very rarely use them, instead using my old faithfuls or drooling over endless food blogs for ideas. But inspired by the Bake Off, I've been eager to get back into the kitchen and start trying my hand at the recipes. Cooking and baking is something that really does help me to chill out and it's one of my favourite things to do on a Sunday. This star baker mug from Debenhams is the perfect thing to help me potter around the kitchen. I've been filling it with fruit tea, hot chocolate and even the odd mug cake. The whole range will also make a great secret Santa christmas present if you're looking for ideas! I've been trying to choose one cookbook at random and cook around 3-4 things to try and get a good feel for it. I'll let you know the results - I've just finished Mary Berry's Absolute Favourites and it was a corker. Each recipe got a massive thumbs up!

2. Spending more time at home
As soon as the colder weather hit, I get the sudden urge to spend more time indoors. Embrace the Hygge if you will. Usually I've got a jam packed diary with work, blog and social but over the last few weeks, I've been making a conscious effort to slow down. And I feel so much better for it. It's so nice to go back to work on a Monday and not feel absolutely exhausted following a jam-packed weekend. Plus who doesn't love snuggling under the covers with Netflix on repeat as the rain beats down on the windows?

3. Having a clear out
Call it the back to school feeling but when the Autumn rolls around, I love nothing more than going through my belongings and having a good clear out. I've started listed some clothes on eBay last week and already sold quite a few things. I'm hoping to put the money towards some house bits and bobs. Hopefully it won't be too long before we take the plunge!

How have you been embracing the colder months?

Thoughts on leaving home for the first time

I'm in the process of looking for a house to buy. A house to BUY. God that's a sentence that I never thought I would ever write. It seems like we've been saving for years and while we have been saying we've been saving for years, realistically we probably only put some effort into it at the beginning of this year. Back in January it didn't really seem like a possibility but yet somehow, we've managed to scrape together enough money for a deposit for a house. Thank the lord for those 5% deposits. It all so exciting and after spending ten years with my boyfriend, I'm so ready to move out and make a home together.

But yet as it seems to be getting closer, it's also becoming just a little bit scary. At the grand age of 27 years old, I'm getting ready to leave home for the first time. My safe haven. The place where I can be myself. I never moved away for Uni so I haven't had the experience of living away from home. I've lived in the same house in the same town my whole life. I'm only looking to move out into the same town - it's as close to London as we can afford - so I'm really not venturing that far. But, it will be on my own away from everything I have ever known. I'm a massive homebird and as an only child, I genuinely enjoy my own company and in my house I often get that. It's such a nerve wracking thing to set up home with someone and even when you have ten years behind you, you never really know someone until you live with them. Their little quirks that seem cute at the moment but may grate on you after a few months of living in each others pockets. I'm pretty confident not much will change as thanks to our jobs we rarely spend much time together. But there's always those niggling feelings at the back your mind.

Will my own house ever feel like home? Will I feel comfortable in my own home as I do at my home at moment? Will I always feel like my parents house is 'home'? Will my boyfriend and I be able to live in perfect harmony? What will happened why I get only child syndrome and want to be alone?

I suppose all those questions will never be answered until you finally take the plunge and set up house yourself. One thing I do know is, I'm looking forward to finally leaving my shoes downstairs by the stairs without being told off!

How to decorate your bedroom on a budget

I still live at home so I don't really have too much free control over my bedroom. All systems go towards that house deposit - so near yet so far! But I have been enjoying adding a few bits and pieces to my bedroom to make it feel like 'mine'. Here are a few ideas to help put your stamp on your own space even if you can't decorate away until your heart's content.

Wall prints
These can be a great way to cheaply add a little bit of your own personality to your room. You don't even have hang them on a wall. Simply pop them in a frame and onto a shelf. I fell in love with this pretty print while I visited Sarah a few months back. It summed up the way I've been feeling recently and incorporated my love of travel. Keep an eye out on Etsy for some fantastic prints - I've got these Harry Potter ones on my list. Nothing quite like a Dumbledore quote to make you feel all sassy and ready to take on the world.

Duvet sets
I think you'll all be with me when I say the bed is the most important thing in any bedroom. Plus a good duvet cover can make all the difference.  You can pick up some great ones in Primark which mean you can have a few on rotation. I was sent a special anti-allegy duvet from Sleepy People in time for Allergy Awareness Week in April. It's designed to offer protection against mites and bacteria making it great for allergy sufferers. I can say I haven't had any trouble since sleeping with it!

It's only in this last year that I've totally got the hype of candles. I always thought they were a bit of a waste of money and wasn't keen on burning my cash. But, now I absolutely love them, my favourite thing is lighting one before snuggling under the covers to read a book. You really don't have drop £50 on one to bag a decent one either. This fun pineapple candle was a bargain in the New Look sale at £3 - check out their homeware section. Oliver Bonas always do some gorgeous smelling scents that really fill your room. This limited edition Pomegranate & Patchouli candle smells absolutely gorgeous.

Shelves are a great way to add little trinkets to give your room your own stamp. I love to add photographs, perfume, candles and basically anything that I think sums up my personality. As my room is a black and white theme I like to add a little colour on my shelves. Charity shops and bootsales can be great pieces to pick up trinkets for a few pennies. They're often be slightly unusual too - you'd be surprised what people chuck out.


Why we all need a #girlgang

After thinking about booking Vegas for my 30th birthday, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not dreading that number. I feel like I'm going to hit 30 in my prime and feel happy knowing with the way things are. As cheesy as that sounds. This past year I've felt like all the puzzle pieces have finally slotted together and I feel so much more content with my lot than I ever have been. A huge part of this is because of friends. Coming from all walks of life, these girls just get me. I can completely be myself without any fear of being judged. Probably because they're often thinking the exact same thing.

I've often be called a 'strong woman' as if it's something to be ashamed off. A negative thing. But these girls make me feel like it's ok to put my career before having kids if that's what I want, to relish my independence and to blow a months rent on a handbag if I've worked hard. It doesn't make me a bad person. They're here to throw encouragement, hold your hand when it all gets a little too much, teach you that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger and be your biggest cheerleader. I might only see some a few times a year and I might see some a few times a months. But no matter where they are, they're always there. One in particular feels like the sister I never had. They make me believe in myself, that I'm stronger than I think I am. In turn, its helped me to let things go and to not be such a worrywart. If things are meant to be, they will be and if they don't happen first time around, its doesn't reflect bad on me. I've learnt that life doesn't follow a script and its absolutely fine to just take it as it comes - to enjoy what I have achieved and not worry about what I haven't.

It's taken me a while to get here. I've spent years cutting out toxic people. Those people who you spend a day with and come home feeling like you've done ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Friends you really dreaded spending time with. But for some reason you just couldn't cut them out. I wasn't really too keen on having girl friends. As a result I never really had a proper group of girl friends until I was about 23. It was too stressful, too much drama. I much preferred to hang out with boys. But friendships aren't meant to be hard work.

Surround yourself by girls who make you believe you can take on the world. But most importantly surround yourself by girls who will pick you up when you fall and put back together the pieces.

Three top tips for a girls night in

Let's face it, nothing beats a cosy night in with your favourite girl or two putting the world to rights, scoffing endless snacks and lusting over Ryan Gosling, wondering when on earth he is going to ask you out. All fun girly nights have three main ingredients. Include these and you'll end up having the best night in. I promise.

1. Pampering
I love a good pampering session but due to a busy life, I rarely make time. Something I need to work better on! But a girls night provides the perfect excuse while giving you a chance to natter. I'm loving sheet masks at the minute - thanks for introducing me Michelle! - and they really do work their magic. Worth it too for the comedy factor of having it on your face and pretending to be a ghost. Just me then... So pull together your favourite nail polishes, moisturisers and face masks to give each other some much needed TLC.

2. Food
Food is probably the most important aspect of any meet up or any occasion really. But pigging out doesn't always have to mean shoving a 20 inch pizza, a bowl of nachos and 25 chicken wings down your throat in less than ten minutes. Luckily Go Ahead!* have the perfect snacks that allow you to indulge but feel a little less guilty too. My favourite are the cookie bites - especially the sweet white chocolate and raspberry nibbles. They're the perfect treat to make sure you indulge your sweet tooth and less than 100 calories. Perfection right?!  The crispy fruity yogurt breaks also get a massive thumbs up for me. I'll be making any excuse to eat these!

3. Films
Finally you need films. But not just any old films. Films that make you cry with laughter, smile until your face hurts and make your heart swell. So obviously any films with Ryan Gosling in. Light-hearted, funny films that you don't have to concentrate too hard on. Because let's face it, you'll be doing a hell of a lot of chatting throughout. If only to discuss THAT scene in The Notebook...

What are your top tips for a girls night in?


February Social

I've decided to start a monthly series featuring what I've been doing. The weeks are going past so fast that I just don't have time to blog about everything individually. Just how is it nearly March already? But I've had fun so I feel my shenanigans don't deserve to go undocumented. Here is what I managed to do in February - it seems I spent a lot of time in Brixton!

Strada, London Bridge
At the end of January - it's nearly February! - I was invited to an evening with Strada at London Bridge. They were celebrating the end of Dry January and showcasing their selection of non-alcoholic drinks. And lots and lots of delicious nibbles. I was very impressed! I didn't even know there was such a wide selection at the restaurant and drinking them make me realise that you really don't miss out when you opt out of wine. I'll definitely be looking out for the sparkling non-alcoholic prosecco next time I'm there!

Bloc Party, o2 Academy, Brixton
Bloc Party are my favourite band in the world. 11 years this 50 Cent and Sean Paul loving, Von Dutch hat wearing girl stumbled across Silent Alarm - stolen from her brother - at my friends house. We put it on and it changed my life. This fast and furious band with fierce political lyrics and cracking riffs just spoke to me. Even now Helicopter still gives me all the feels as it did when I was 16. Silent Alarm is my all time favourite album - nothing beats it for me. As always the band were a pleasure to watch. This now skinny jean wearer, guitar loving, converse wearing and indie girl owes them a lot.

Fish, Wings and Tings, Brixton
This Caribbean restaurant in Brixton Market has been on my to-try list for a very long time. Afro-Caribbean food is by far my favourite cuisine so I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to try this place. We had a spare hour of so before a gig so decided to finally tick it off the list. I opted for incredible codfish fritters with a milky sauce - so soft and addictive - with curried goat for my main course. Served with homemade slaw and a pineapple chutney-type sauce, it was pure comfort food. I'm desperate to go back and order that jerk chicken - just look at that sauce!

The Lion King, West End
My sister-in-law got extra brownies points this year when she took me to see The Lion King for my birthday. Can you believe it's been at the west End for 17 years?! Crazy. It. Was. Incredible. Emotional, entertaining and awe-inspiring. Within minutes I'd completely forgot I was watching actor in costumes and was transfixed. It felt like I was watching real animals in Africa. I would recommend it in a heartbeat.

Bukowski, Brixton
With our first choice for dinner fully booked, we picked this burger joint on a whim. While it's not the best burger I've ever had, it was a good shout. The puck nuggets were the best thing about the meal - I could have eaten them until I went pop. Deep fried duck and pork nuggets smothered in Korean spices with a spicy Kimchi dip. Yeah like I said, I could have eaten them forever. Keeping in with my recent avocado obsession, I pumped for The Californian. A juicy beef patty was piled high with crunchy lettuce, spicy chipotle mayo, Monterey Jack cheese, crispy bacon, a tomato, red onion and creamy avocado. Just as good as it sounds! The avocado was a revelation in a burger and something I'm keen to repeat soon!

Hozier, o2 Academy, Brixton
On the same night as Bukowski, we had a date at the Academy to see Hozier. Take Me To Church was one of my favourite songs of last year. The Irish star has such a haunting, soulful voice that sounds absolutely beautiful live. It was such a chilled out, enjoyable gig and I'd definitely be booking up tickets again next time he tours.

Why we shouldn't strive for perfection

We want it all eh? The amazing career, the stamps on our passport, the incredible social life, the big friendship group and the enviable relationship. And we're often told that we can have it all. But the reality is totally different. No one has it all. No one has perfection. And it's ok. We shouldn't strive for it anyway. Perfection is overrated.

Perfection sounds great on paper but in reality it can be a downward spiral. It can be exhausting trying to constantly reach the peak and once you're there? You constantly looking for something else because it's never enough. Because true perfection doesn't exist. It can't ever be achieved. It can damage your mental health searching for something that doesn't exist. It stops you from living in the moment. Life is so precious that it shouldn't be wasted worrying about what you don't have. Concentrate on what you do have.

It's natural to constantly compare yourself to others. They have nicer hair, a attentive boyfriend or a better job but I can guarantee that they don't believe that. You always want what you don't have. 

It's ok to be content. It's ok to do things to the best of your ability. To plod along at your own pace. And it doesn't matter if it doesn't live up to anyone else's standards. It's also ok to be happy with this. It doesn't mean you don't have any ambition or that you're settling. Being content with your lot is a wonderful thing. It's amazing how much happier you become. Concentrate on what makes you happy. As long as you do things your own way, then that is perfection.

Turning 27

A few iPhone pictures from a birthday weekend of cake, cake and more cake. With a few glasses of wine thrown in too.

A picture popped up on my Facebook memories from six years ago at a party showing a fresh-faced
smiling 21-year-old. 27 seemed like an absolute age away to that youngster but here we are. 27 years old. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not where I thought I would be at 27 when I was that girl about to finish her Journalism degree. I had a naive mind brimming with wild ideas. But I've achieved things that that 21 one-year-old never thought she would. I've been places she'd only dreamed of. I've got to hang out with childhood idols - 911 definitely got my bodyshakin'. I've worked for publications that would have made her pinch herself. I've finally gotten the Mulberry handbags she obsessively stalked online.

With age comes contentment and I feel pretty content with my lot. I'm not a massive high achiever but I've worked hard to get to where I am. I've had quite a few hiccups along the way - especially last year - but then so does everyone. Life doesn't always follow a script. It chews you up and spits you out but the most important thing is you get back on your feet.

The older I've become the more I feel like I've grown more of a voice and the ability to do what is right for me. I've learnt to say no, go with my gut instinct and admit that things aren't ok so I don't suffer in silence. I've surrounded myself with people who just get me and allow me to thrive. I've learnt to appreciate the little things in life and despite what my ASOS account may say, I know deep down it isn't the material things that make me happy. The happiness comes from the people you surround yourself by and the love you show yourself. I am so grateful to live in this big, beautiful, crazy world and I can't wait to explore it more. I may not have wisdom yet but that's overrated right? Who wants to grown old sensibly anyhow?

Come on 27, let's make this year count. I have a good feeling. Even if it does mean I'm officially in my late twenties.

My goals to achieve in 2016

Looking back at 2015 life goals, I haven't really done very well. But I tried so that's the main thing right? Sometimes we can't achieve everything we set out to do in 12 months. So what do I plan on doing in 2016?

1. See even more of the world
I want to carry on with where I left off in 2015. It was such an incredible year for travel. If I'm honest, I think that will always be my number one priority. This year I have booked in Cologne, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest - ticking off four new countries along the way. I'm most excited about four days in Budapest, a city that I've long lusted over. I won't be leaving Europe this year as not having a full time job puts paid to that. But Europe is such a vibrant, colourful and diverse continent that I don't feel like I've drawn the short straw at all.

2. Put more of my passion into this blog
So last year was suppose to be the year that i really make something of this blog. Well it didn't take off like I wanted it too. But I think I'm ok about that. I had some incredible opportunities and worked with some cracking brands last year because of this little space on the internet. This year I only want to put out content that I truly feel passionate about. Even if that means just posting once a week. It's going to be quality over quantity. I'm a little guilty of panicking and publishing something that I'm not quite confident with because I FEEL like I need to get something out there. I'm still going to post a variety of content and concentrate a lot more on the foodie aspect. Father Christmas aka the boyfriend very generously gifted me an Olympus Pen for Christmas so I'm hoping the quality of my photos will improve tenfold.

3. Spend more time with those I've known the longest
I am absolutely terrible at keeping in touch. Send me a text and I'll jump at the chance to meet up but I hardly ever make the first move. It's just because I get so caught up in my everyday life and completely forget to make time. I feel like I'm constantly moving at 100mph. So this year I'm going to make the effort. Be the person who suggests lunch, be the person who goes and stays with an old friend for the weekend and be that person who sends a text out of the blue to let someone know they're thinking of them.

4.  Look after my skin
I've never really had problems with my skin but this year, lord it's been a right old state. Despite spending a fortune on lotions and potions, I tend to use them for a few weeks then get lazy. Sleeping in make up, not cleansing my face and using make up wipes are all sins I've been guilty off this year. So i'm going to try and get back into a routine. Use the clay masks, the sheet masks and the facial oils and get my face under control!

5. Learn to have more self-confidence
This old chestnut eh? This year my confidence in myself seems to have hit rock bottom. It's resulted in lots of comfort eating, not taking care of myself and generally moping around like a big old wallower. So this year I'm going to try and take back a little control. Think of all the good things rather than dwell on the things that make me unhappy. Which in turn will help me become a right sassy chick ready to take on the world and show it exactly what I can offer. I'm fed up of feeling unhappy in myself.

New year, new start right?

Looking back at 2015

So 2015 is done and dusted eh? It's been a funny old year. The first half was full steam ahead but then the second half? It's been trying. Bad news seems to be a reoccurring theme. But you know what's life without a few bumps in the road?

Friendships have fallen apart at the seams this year, leaving me still scratching my head at what happened in that department. I suppose some relationships are just not for the long haul. It has however made me so thankful for the people who have stuck around. Who are just as rubbish as me at keeping in touch and don't take offence when I disappear of the radar for a while. Which has been more times than I care to remember this year. Those who are always there when I do finally get my head in gear. Those who get in touch with me just as I'm feeling low and say the right words without even realising it.

I am currently unemployed and desperately trying to carve out a career in freelancing. Freelancing has been more difficult that I ever thought it would be. I ended this year on a high in my work life, having spent just under 6 weeks at a publication I've really enjoyed. Learning new skills and working in a great environment. I lost my job in July and it's been a whirlwind of emotions since. I've worked at a few publications but it's not been a steady flow and I've been down the job centre a few times with my tail between my legs signing on. I don't have anything set in stone for the new year which is slightly worrying but what will be, will be. I'll just be holding on as tight as I can to see where the job roller coaster takes me next year. The unknown can be exciting right?!

I've struggled a lot with self-confidence this year. Confidence in the career I've chosen, confidence in my looks and confidence at not sucking in life. It's so easy to compare ourselves to others and once you start, it can be a downhill spiral to a one-woman pity party. I hardly ever think I'm good enough and usually I can brush it off with a wise crack or a self-deprecating joke. But this year I've found myself wallowing more than usual. I've taken more than a few hits and struggled to get back on the horse.

But this year I have felt I've grown. I'm slowly getting better in believing in myself. I've grown in confidence in my ability to things done, grown in confidence in making the right decision for me and grown in learning to brush things off with my head held high. I'm going into 2016 knowing that I'm just plodding along, not really having any direction in life but feeling pretty content that the life I'm currently leading really isn't too bad at all. I've got a family who adore me, a boyfriend who always has my back and friends who accept me for being me. Those good moments? They've been the bloody best!

Show me what you've got 2016. I'm ready.

2015: A year in travel

Last year one of my main aims was to travel. It more than exceeded my expections - I never thought I'd be lucky enough to visit so many different places. Nothing gets my heart beating faster or my eyes widening in delight than travelling to other countries to embrace different cultures. I'm so eager to soak up everything the beautiful world has to offer.

So where did I go?


In August I spent a long, lazy week in the Spanish city of Barcelona and fell head over heels for the Catalan capital. It felt rebellious, intense and fierce. Full of stunning sights, interesting history and incredible food, it's a city that's so much more than a city break. Thanks to the endless beaches, you can easily do a few days soaking up the Gaudi buildings before heading to the sea and forgetting all your troubles. We rented a cool apartment with its own private terrace just off Las Ramblas that provided the perfect base. It was the first relaxing  holiday in two years and was just what I needed after a tough month. Sometimes going with the flow is the makings of a perfect holiday.


This picturesque city had been on my list of places to visit in the UK to visit for a long time - it's only just under 90 minutes away from my house. So for my birthday this year my boyfriend surprised me with a trip in February. And what a bloody lovely weekend it was. We stayed in the most luxurious hotel I've been to - in a converted prison -, had afternoon tea at the poshest hotel in town, wandered around the colleges pretending we were in Harry Potter, stalked the dinosaurs at the museum of natural history and trekked to the top of a church to be rewarded with stunning views of the city. I fell in love with the history, food scene and cobbled streets - definitely worth a cheeky weekend away.


I was lucky enough to go on a press trip to the state of Illinois in March. It still feels like a bit like a dream! One of the stops on the road trip was a picturesque small town named Galena. This quaint American town was like something out of a film. The charming main street was full of independent shops, colourful brick buildings and delicious restaurants. The Bed and Breakfast, Farmers Guesthouse, was one of my highlights. I have never felt more welcomed and the daily cheese and wine evening went down an absolute treat. I tried my first moonshine, learnt about the former US president Ulysses Grant, tasted the best popcorn of my life and widen my eyes at scary ghost stories. After a hectic time in Chicago, the slow pace was very much welcomed.


Chicago was a city I always wanted to go but never thought I would. America is full of enticing cities that were higher on my life. But after going? It's my favourite city in the States and I'm dying to go back. It's the one city I'd recommend to anyone and I've kind of become an unofficial cheerleader for it. I think the fact I went without any expectations and hardly any prior knowledge meant that I could discover it with new eyes. I admired the sun setting behind the skyline on a lake cruise, had jelly legs whilst standing in a box over the city, took a tasty culinary tour of the city, wandered around Millennium Park and pathetically attempted a Man v Food dish of fried chicken. I am absolutely dying to go back as I feel I only just scratched the surface and I'd love to show my boyfriend everything the city has to offer.

Starved Rock State Park

After three days in Chicago we packed up our belongings and drove three hours to a state park. It was literally like being in the Dirty Dancing holiday camp. It felt so American! The lodge we stayed was in was nestled in 2630 acres of lush, thick forests, 18 canyons and gorgeous waterfalls - Americans always know how to do big eh? Soaking up the fresh air, it was one of those moments where you just feel in awe of Mother Nature. We went on a historic trolley tour with an hilarious guide, tasted the most delicious wines in the town next door and had a private tour of the beautiful Hegler Carus Mansion.


The final part of our road trip in Illinois was Rockford, the third largest city in the state.  The city has a very large Swedish population so of course we took advantage and scoffed some delicious Swedish pancakes. Only right to honour it's heritage right?! We were given an insight into the fascinating world of dinosaurs at the Burpee Museum of Natural History, taken back in time to the roaring twenties with a tour of the stunning Coronado atmospheric theatre and given a tour of a brewery. I was sad to come home after eight days in Illinois - it really was a trip of a lifetime.


June saw me head to Liverpool with my best friend. After a nightmare ten hour journey we finally arrived and made it our mission to discover what the city had to offer. We spent a lazy afternoon soaking up the history of the Cavern Club, danced until our feet were sore, wandered around Albert Dock and hunted down burgers. Liverpool is such a cool, vibrant city with fantastic northern hospitality. It's the perfect place to escape for the weekend.

The Highlands

After promising for two years, I finally made it up to visit my friend in The Highlands in the autumn and was left wondering why I'd left it so long. It really is such a beautiful part of the world - I was often left speechless that this was in the UK. Great Britain really is a pretty special place. We breathed in the Scottish fresh air, tried to sneak a peek at the Loch Ness Monster, chased waterfalls, wandered around a whisky distillery, spotted seals, trekked to a lighthouse and ate in the finest seafood restaurant I've had the pleasure of stuffing my face in. It was the perfect few days away and I'm already planning to return when the sun shines a little brighter.


In June I was off on another press trip but this time to Luxembourg. Luxembourg city was a lovely compact place with a gorgeous old town and delicious places to eat. I loved the slower pace of life and we were there during the annual free music festival so it was a very happening place! The country has been occupied for a long time so the history really is an electric mix. So much to take in! It's the perfect place to spend a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

Is there anywhere I should add on my list for 2016? So far I only have a weekend in Cologne booked!

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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