4 tips on how to save for a house deposit

It's all fun and games when you're buying china cups and saucers for your future house and picking out the perfect coloured Smeg fridge. But all that's no good if you haven't actually got the two pennies to rub together for a house deposit. As many people my age, I'm currently on the long journey to try and scrap together £30k to buy my own house. But with houses prices constantly on the up, I really haven't got too long. So I've got a few tricks and tips to help make the process a little easier.

Start a money diary
It can be so easy to spend money and before you know, it's the end of the month and you only have £2.31 left in your bank account and nothing to show for. Keep track of everything you spend from that random splurge in Topshop to the cheeky three bottles of diet coke. This will help you re-evaulate your spending habits and work out how much you can comfortably save a month and still have a semi-decent social life.

Set up a direct debit for the day you get paid
If you're anything like me, you live like a King the first week of your pay-packet and then have to survive like a pauper for the remaining three weeks. I set a direct debit to come out of my bank account the day I get paid for my savings account. This way I hardly know it's gone missing as it's like it was never really there.

Get a credit check
Before you get accepted for the elusive mortgage you have to undergo a credit check. You can find out more here. This will help give your credit history a score rating and will help you know exactly what you need to change or carry on doing. Once this is completed, house buying starts to get a lot more serious. Make sure you keep paying off those monthly credit card bills and make late payments a thing of the past. No point saving all that money if the bank is going to reject you anyway. Get your affairs in order!

Learn to make sacrifices
In an ideal world I'd have numerous Mulberry handbags, monthly trips to the Caribbean, a North London townhouse and a wardrobe full of Christian Louboutin shoes. But alas on my wages, it ain't ever going to happen. So you need to decide what you want the most and what you can still afford to do despite putting away a huge chunk of your money. For me it's travel - you can tell by my Pinterest board! I'm not really prepared to compromise on that aspect. So I've cut back on the amount of new clothes I buy so I can put more money towards seeing the world. That way the house deposit fund doesn't have to suffer.

Do you have any words of wisdom to offer?

A few favourites #5

1. The Hairy Dieters cookbook
I'm trying my hardest to eat healthily or at least 80% of the time. We all need a burger binge once in a lifetime right? So I've been digging around in my extensive cookbook collection and come across an old favourites. I adore The Hairy Bikers - I think I might have nearly all of their books. This one is a little gem. Every recipe I've tried has been amazing and they all feel indulgent despite shaving off a few calories from the original. It's amazing how a few changes can completely reduce the calorie content without having to compromise on taste.

2. Schwarzkopf Got2b Rise 'n' Shine Volume and Shine Hairspray*
I'm always a little heavy handed with hairspray - gotta help it stick right? - so look out for one that has a strong hold but doesn't make my hair feel rock solid. I've found just the right one thanks to Got2b. This beauty helps to stop any stray hairs coming out of place, gives it a much needed shine and boasts it's volume. The lazy girl in me loves a multi-tasker. It's easy to brush out and my hair doesn't feel heavy or sticky.

3. Urbanears Plattan headphones
My headphones suddenly packed up halfway through my commute to the city so I need of some decent quality ones sharpish. I'd spotted these in various colours on the tube so hunted around until I realised what they were. Urbanears is a Scandinavian brands and are famous for their rainbow colours. They're comfortable to wear, easy to adjust and have brilliant sound quality.

4. Next postcard clutch bag 
My darling mother treated me to this clutch in the Next sale just before I went to Barcelona. I have such a soft spot for a novelty clutch and this one ticks all the boxes. Such a conversation starter!

5. Models Own Chrome effect nail polishes*
Since I've been trying really hard to stop biting my nails, I've been smothering them in nail polish a few times a week. I've found if they look pretty, I tend to leave them alone. I picked up these polishes a few months ago from my old job and they look great on. So shiny! The gold and silver are already earmarked for the festive season.

6. Gallo Family Vineyards Spritz Raspberry and Lime & Pineapple and Passionfruit*
I do love a good glass of wine as anyone who knows me will confirm but sometimes it's nice to have something a little lighter and more refreshing. That's where these tasty concoctions came in. TV presenter Laura Whitemore is the face of the brand so you know you're going to be in good hands when you crack open a bottle. All the cool kids are drinking them!

New Year goals - How I'm getting on

We're now in August -  how on earth has that happened?! - so I thought I'd have a look back at my New Year life goals and see how I'm getting on.

1. Read more books
Well I haven't read as many as I'd liked - I was aiming for one a month. But I am reading the second Game Of Thrones book which is a absolute monster so I'm not too disheartened with my total. So far I'm on my 5th book of the year which isn't too shabby. The Girl on The Train, The Fault In Our Stars, The Railway Man and A Game of Thrones: A Song Of Ice and Fire are all been enjoyed this year. Any recommendations?

2. Learn a new skill
Well I never tried to learn any of the news things I promised. But I did take up Lindy Hop dancing. Well I haven't been in about 4 weeks as real life has gotten in the way. But I've really enjoyed trying out something new. It's a lot harder than you would think! I've really missed not going and have a lot more time on my hands so I'm going to pick it up again.

3. Learn to budget
Erm yeah. The less spoke about this the better. This hasn't happened. But I been putting away money to buy a house and the fund is slowly growing. I just haven't stopped spending money on needless things.

4. Concentrate more on my blog
I finally invested in a URL for my blog and am saving up the money for a new layout overhaul. I've been trying really hard to include a variety of content that I would love to read on a blog and hopefully something you like to read. That's why you've been seeing a lot of food recently! It's something I'm passionate about and am really enjoying featuring. I feel like all my time investment is paying and feel really proud of my little space on the internet.

5. See more of the world
I vowed to travel more and this year has been a whirlwind of different places. I was lucky enough to go to the state of Illinois - including Chicago - and Luxembourg on press trips. I'm not quite sure how I got so lucky either! I've recently got back from a week in Barcelona and have a trip to Scotland booked in for October to see a friend. I've seen a fair bit of the UK too thanks to weekends in Wales, Liverpool and Oxford. I'm hoping if my money plans out ok to have a weekend away in Salzburg in December. But who knows.  I won't be jetting off to Amsterdam, Budapest or Newcastle like I thought I would be.  But it's funny how travel plans change and that's the beauty of them.


Dealing with set backs

These last few weeks have been extremely tough. I feel like I've had the wind knocked out of my sails and if I'm honest, I'm struggling to get back on my feet. I feel emotionally drained and feeling like a bit of a failure. Last week I was made redundant from my job. The publication had given me the most surreal, hilarious, bizarre and incredible experiences over the last three years. Sometimes I have wanted to pull my hair out in rage but most of the time I have wanted to pinch myself thanks to all the amazing opportunities I was given. I feel so attached to the magazine with it being my first ever job in the crazy journalism world. It was the magazine that helped me achieve my dream.

But then the Tunisian tragedy happened. My parents were in the exact hotel just a week before. They laid on that beach soaking up the rays. I spoke to them via Skype in that lobby. I laughed with a member of staff who gatecrashed one of our Skype calls. My parents came home and raved about what a wonderful place Sousse was and how they had the most fantastic week. They couldn't praise the hotel staff enough. When the information started pouring in over social media, it really hit home just how devastating the situation is. I could have been scrambling to find a flight and heartbreakingly identifying my parents. I could be an orphan - it doesn't bare thinking about. What kind of world do we live in that people think behaviour like this is acceptable? How dare someone take someone's life in such a brutal way? The world is becoming such a a scary place. I can't even begin to imagine the horror those poor people felt when a man opened fired on the beach. Somewhere they were relaxing, forgetting their troubles and completely unaware.

I may have lost my job but I'm still standing. Losing my job isn't the end of the world. It may seem so at the time but something always happens to make you feel incredibly lucky.  I'm still about to give my loved ones a hug before I go to bed. I'm still able to ring them up for a chat. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger - certain things are sent to try us. To test our strength. I'm hoping this redundancy means that something better is around the corner. I'm looking forward to finding out what other things I'm capable of. I feel like this could be the chance for me to have a new career.  I'm going to dust myself off and become a warrior and not a worrier. Life's too short.

13 things no one ever told you about saving for your first house

1. When you decide to treat yourself on payday, shoes are out of the equation. Instead you start to get excited about tea towels. It's a downward spiral from now on. You don't even know who you are any more.

2. Putting away a huge chunk of your savings each month breaks your heart just a little bit each time. Despite you knowing it's for a good reason.

3. When you look at your current savings, you wonder if it's acceptable to jack this house lark in and go travelling around the world instead. Those beaches in Thailand are calling your name.

4. You think it's perfectly acceptable to spend £20 on two copper letters because they look nice. Let's face it, buying cutlery is boring and you can always use plastic ones.

5. You can spend hours looking on Rightmove at houses way out of your budget. We all have to aim for something right? That multi million house might be yours one day.

6. You dream of having a walk in wardrobe but your boyfriend is adamant that the spare room is going to be a games room. The house may be two years away but it doesn't stop you getting annoyed. There's not going to be enough room for his clothes in your wardrobe.

7. The final amount needed for a house deposit makes you feel a bit sick and want to bury your head in the sand. Since when did you become this grown up?

8. Thanks to Rightmove you know the average house price all over the country. And the world. A 4 bedroom, two bathroom house in Texas for only £60,000? I'll have that please.

9.  Despite knowing that it's about time you took the plunge to buy a house, you still mourn the lack of holidays you can have. You could have a city break each month for the amount you're saving. You would also end up living in a cardboard box.

10. You seem to spend all your time blaming things on the house savings. Want to come out at the weekend? Nope got a house to save for. What to have a bite to eat? Nope got a house to save for. You begin to bore yourself.

11. Conversations with friends revolve around saving for a house, mortgages and homeware shops. You're all in the same rocky boat. Clinging on to the life jacket.

12. Mortgage rates make you want to gauge your eyes out. With a blunt needle.

13. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is hard. But deep down you know that house will be one of the proudest achievements of your life.

Why your 20s are an adventure

I'm fast accelerating towards my late twenties and I feel like I'm desperately holding onto my twenties. But I have to admit, your twenties are bloody hard.

You finish university after slogging your guts out for three years before being thrown in head first into a career. But first you spend a year interning, often working seven days a week so you can afford to have a social life. When you finally get that elusive entry-level job, you start at the very bottom and spend the next few years frantically trying to work your way up. You go from buying everything Topshop on payday to scrimping and saving to buy your first house. Like I said, your twenties are bloody hard.

But you know what? Your twenties are also full of adventure. You'll never be this young or as carefree again with relatively no ties. So what if you're not shooting up the career ladder as fast as your friends or that you're still living at home. Your twenties should be about living in the moment. Taking grasp of every opportunity that is thrown your way. Going on your dream holidays and seeing all the places you've only ever seen pictures of. Taking the risks you want in your career. If you want to finally get to Australia instead of buying a house, make sure you apply for that visa. Save the house deposit for another day. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just make sure you spend your twenties with minimum regrets.

Don't be made to feel like you haven't got your shizzle together just because you're not following protocol. Jump abroad the wagon and hold on tight! Save being sensible for when you hit 30.

Why I love to travel

Going to different places and immersing myself in different cultures is probably my favourite thing to do in the world. At the moment I'm seeing the delights of Chicago - America really is such a dream! I seem to spend my whole life planning trips, pouring over Pinterest at gorgeous pictures and obsessively adding new places to my bucket list. There's no better feeling than discovering something in person that you've only ever seen in a picture. The world is such a big place and I'm dying to see every corner.

I love trying to live as a local and seeing how other people in different cultures live to it. That's why I prefer to rent an apartment rather than book a generic chain hotel. I find it so interesting to see how cultures differ. Not to mention trying all the incredible cuisines - as a massive foodie, I'm always in my element. The planning is by far the best part, I can easily get in a Trip Adviser black hole. I love that smug feeling of finding an incredible place off the beaten track and having the time of your life.

I never managed to have a gap year and travel the world. Looking back I don't really think I was cut out for the proper travelling lark. I like my luxury and think I'm enjoying seeing places a lot more now that I'm older. I can afford to splash out and stay in much nicer places. Don't get me wrong, I'm not staying in 5 star hotels but I'm not having to share a room with 6 other people. It's also nice to be able to do everything that you want to do rather than having to move around on a tight budget. I'm not very good at picking and choosing - I want to do it all!

There's still plenty of places on my never ending list but I have a whole lifetime to visit them. I've been very lucky with the places I've already managed to cross off.  Nowadays I'd much rather spend my money on a trip away rather than a wardrobe of hardly worn clothes. After all, travel is said to be the only thing that you spend money on that makes you richer.

Why do you love to travel? Any places I need to add to my travel list?

4 tips to help you stay on the healthy eating track

It can be hard to keep on track when you're following a healthy eating plan. That bag of crisps always looks more tempting. Here a few tips that work for me.
1. Knock caffeine on the head and opt for a fruit tea.
I'm the first to admit I'm not at all a tea drinker. But I have been recently trying to encourage myself to drink fruit tea. I'm a bit fed up of drinking squash all the time. Most of the time you're not actually hungry when you get pangs so opt for a drink. A fruit tea still feels like a sweet treat and is a lot healthier than a chocolate bar! I was sent Kromland Farm organic teas and have become quite partial to the berry flavour.

2. Keep healthy snacks in your bag.
When you're out and about and hunger strikes, it's all too easy to grab a Mars bar. But always be prepared! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. I was sent these Nairns oat biscuits and some 9bars. They both come in individual packets which makes them easy to pop in your bag. The biscuits contain 40% less sugar than a normal biscuit - my favourite are the mixed berries ones. The mixed fruit 9bar snack bars still feel indulgent but you know your eating all the good stuff!

3. Learn to distract yourself
I don't know about you but I often raid the cookie jar when I'm bored at home. So in order to distract my hands I settle down with my kindle. Before long you'll find yourself engrossed in a book and will have forgotten all about feeding your face.

4.Keep a food diary
This old chestnut eh? Everyone encourages this and it's no wonder. Quite often I shove a digestive in my mouth and promptly forget all about it. Then I have another. And another. Once you look at exactly what you're eating written down, it makes you think twice. It's a great way to help keep yourself on track.

Have you got any pearls of wisdom to pass on?

Why not being maternal is ok

I was never that child who loved playing with dolls and pretending I was a mum. In fact from the tender age of 11, I always use to proudly state that my ambition was being a journalist. I'll give myself a pat on the back for making that come true. Babies didn't even enter my mind. I've never been one to coo over newborns either. Truth be told, I'm a little scared of them and they sense it. As soon as they sit on my lap, the waterworks start. Give me a dog? I'll turn to mush. Especially when I see a puppy. I can fully get on board with being dog broody.

I'm not even sure that I want to be a mum. I've worked extremely hard on my education and my career that I'm in no hurry to take a step back.  I come from a line of women who don't like kids. My nan and mum both lack the maternal gene. But they make amazing mothers. Go figure? For some reason some people just cannot grasp that idea. I've been told that I'm depriving my boyfriend – he once mentioned he'd rather jack in the kids malarky and travel the world. I've been told I'm doing the world a disservice and it's my role as a woman to reproduce. I've been given condescending advice that I should just wait. My clock will soon be ticking and I'll have a sudden urge. I've been told I don't know what I'm missing out on. I've been told I don't know what I'm talking about at my age. 

I might very well change my mind. I could reach 30 and have the sudden urge to reproduce. I look and mine and my mum's amazing relationship and long for that myself. But do you know what? It's ok to not want to bring a child into the world. It doesn't make you less of a woman. You don't lose your femininity simply because you don't want to give birth. It's not the be all and end all if you don't ever hear the word mum. Don't be made to feel bad just because you prefer to have a career over raising a family. The beauty of the world is you should be who you want to be.


Letting go of friendships

Friends are one of the best things in the world. If you pick them right, they can even become like family. But friends can also cause a lot of anxiety and stress.

As I've got older I've become very good at letting friendships go. If they're not making me happy, then I cut ties. A friend shouldn't be hard work. You shouldn't come away from a lunch feeling emotional about the way it has gone. Even if you don't see them for months on end, it should be like you've never spent a moment apart once you meet up again.

Friendships can very quickly become toxic. They can quickly make you feel worthless and upset. You deserve better. It takes two people to make a friendship work - it isn't always down to you to keep it afloat. Just because you've been friends with someone for years, it doesn't mean they should always be in your life. I'm a firm believer that some friends just aren't forever. People move at a different pace to one another. As you grow older, you change. Your interests, outlook on life and opinions change over time. I'm a very different person to when I was 18 to what I am now at the grand age of 26. Just because you're not getting on now, it doesn't mean you should feel like the friendship is a waste. You may have had five years of laughs but it's gone past it's sell-by-date.

But once you find a group of people who make you feel happy, who are easy to be around and who are always on the end of a phone ready to listen to your quarter-life crisis, make sure you hold on tight and never let go.  Those ones are keepers. It's much better to have a handful of solid good friends than lots of alright friends who couldn't really care if you're having a rough time at work.

Don't be afraid to say no more. No friendship is worth having if it makes you always second guess yourself and stops being fun. You deserve to be treated how you treat other people.


14 reasons how you know you're a true Essex girl

1. You spend your life trying to speak nicely whenever you meet new people but they always see through the act. It's such a relief when you can just speak in your native tongue.

2. You find your Essex accent comes out in force when you've had a drink. You struggle to even understand yourself.

3. You have one pair of white high heels tucked away in your wardrobe. Because those shoes are the perfect summer shoe.

4. As soon as you open your mouth, everyone immediately knows where you come from. Then the jokes start.

5. You find yourself constantly dropping the H from words.

6. You've spend a good proportion of your childhood at Lakeside shopping centre. It was the only place to spend your Christmas and birthday money.

7. TOWIE may have put your county on the map but time someone shouts 'Shut UPPPP' in your face, you want to punch them.

8. You get annoyed when you go out and the TOWIE stars have cornered off the best part of the club. Just where are you going to dance now?! Then you feel all excited because you've spotted someone you've seen on the telly.

9. You have about 7 different types of fake tan in your bedroom for when the matter arises.

10. You go out in East London for a change of scenery on a Saturday night only to realise the whole of Essex had the same idea. There is NO ESCAPE! That's what you get for living 20 minutes away from Liverpool Street Station.

12. You still opt for an Smirnoff Ice when you go on a night out in a club. It's the cheapest thing and reminds you of your youth.

12. Innit is a crucial part of your vocabulary.

13. No 'out out' night out is complete without a shed load of bronzer. It makes the world go round.
14. You feel very protective over your little county and will defend it all night long. Only you are allowed to run it down.

H&M Home haul

I'm in full on 'buying everything in the world for my house' mode. Let's forget about the fact that I'm not moving out for another two years. Rather concentrate on how fricking good H&M Home is? Lets take a look at what I've been spending my pennies on.
I actually bought this originally as a blog prop but it will be lovely on my future dressing table housing all my favourite knick knacks. Mostly perfume, jewellery,lipstick and nail polish. All of life's essentials. Prepare to see this beauty popping up a lot in future posts.
Round gold tray

I love a jar. Especially glass jars. I thought these would be fantastic in any room of the house holding little bits and bobs. At the minute I'm envisioning them in the kitchen holding my baking things. When I next get paid I'm going to pick up a couple more of these. Just don't tell my boyfriend.
Small Glass jar with a gold lid
Large lass jar with a gold lid

I seem to be making it a habit to buy handwash only things. These glasses are no exception. But look how pretty they are? Admittedly they do feel quite delicate and flimsy so I'll only be able to hand them out to house guests who can be trusted. These glasses won't be making any appearances at house parties!
Tumbler glass with a gold trim

I will hold my hands up and admit I saw these at Hannah's house and went online practically the next day to buy them for myself. That girl has taste! I love the industrial, Scandinavian feel of them. I think my current copper infatuation comes from a fond childhood memory of seeing my nan's house over run with brass. It just looks so classy.
Large copper metal candlestick
Small copper metal candlestick


Recipe: Rocky Road

Sometimes you fancy a sweet treat but don't want to spend house slaving over a cooker. This is where rocky road comes in! It's so simply yet tastes to good. I loosely used Nigella Lawson's recipe but added in a few of my extras instead - it was just what I already had in the cupboard.

300g of good quality dark chocolate
1 packet of oreos
125g of baking margarine
3 tablespoons of golden syrup
100g of mini marshmellows
1 box of malteasers

1. Break the chocolate into squares and melt in a large saucepan alongside the butter and the golden syrup .Keep aside 125ml/or 1/2 cup of the mixture.

2. Pop the oreos and the malteasers into a freezer bag and bash with a rolling pin. You'll want crumbs and small chunks of chocolate.

3. Fold the biscuit mixture into the melted chocolate in the saucepan. Then add the marshmallows.

4. Tip into a nine inch square tray and spread evenly. Pour the leftover mixture on top and smooth it over.

5. Refrigerate at least for two hours but overnight would be best if you have the time.

6.  Cut into 24 fingers, tuck in and enjoy!

As always tweet me if you make them - I'd love to see some pictures!


How to update your wardrobe on a budget

If you're anything like me, you believe that buying clothes to fill your wardrobe is what makes the world go round. Even if it's bursting at the seams. But once again if you're anything like me, you'll also not have a bottomless purse. I don't know if I've mentioned - jokes I know I have and I'm boring myself - but I'm saving for a house. Snore. But I also want to add pretty things to my wardrobe. So I've got a few tips to share if you too are looking to update your wardrobe on a budget.

1. Decide exactly what you need.
If you're anything like me, you shop with your heart rather than your head. I often buy frivolous things only to get home and realise I don't actually have anything to go with it. To save myself from spending needlessly, I had a proper sort through my wardrobe to help me find what I was missing. As a result I have a long list of things I need rather than what I want. It may be a boring way to shop but it saves you from having to stare at endless clothes still with the tags on.

2. Adopt a one in, one out policy.
I'm a hoarder but I force myself to always try and get rid of one or two things before I take the plunge to buy something new. If you haven't worn it in a year, seriously think about getting rid of it. That way you can spend the money you get from flogging it on eBay, on new clothes. You don't have to break into your precious bank account and it's basically free money. That's what I tell myself anyway.

3. Become a discount code queen.
There are so many websites out there offering various discount codes so before you decide to hand over some dosh, make sure you check them out. Every little helps! Also try to get items delivered to the store too if you can as this will save you on postage costs.

4. Invest in decent pieces.
Buy cheap, buy twice as a wise woman once told me. This is so true. Those £8 Primark pumps might seem cheap as chips at the time but when you're having to buy three a month because they fall apart, they're not. Invest in a good quality coat, shoes and handbags. It will save you money in the long run.

5. Shop your statsh.
Get absolutely everything out in your wardrobe and go through piece by piece. I can almost guarantee that you'll find items of clothing you completely forgot you owned. It's just like going shopping! But without having to burn any plastic. I've often come across old favourites that I've fallen in love with all over again.

Do you have any tips to share?

4 Tips For Saving

Saving. The word that nobody likes. There's no two ways about it, saving is bloody hard. Especially when it's a house deposit. But that's a blog post for another day. I don't know about you but I love expensive things - unfortunately I can't afford to blow £800 on a handbag from just one months wages. So until I win the lottery, here are my fool proof tips to help you save and not even realise you're doing it. That Mulberry will be yours in no time!

1. Get a £2 jar.
I cannot sing the praises of a £2 jar highly enough. I was kindly given a ceramic urn for Christmas last year and it said on the tag that a full jar of £2 coins equalled over £1000, Say what? Obviously I got very excited at the thought and began to religiously seek out the coins to fill it up. It's been going over a year now and it's around 3/4 full and I'm going to smash it open soon to treat myself to a brand spanking new MacBook Pro. It become almost like a game as you hunt around for the special coins - I've even asked friends to swap with me as I'm so desperate to fill it up.

2. Empty your purse of change daily.
If you're anything like me, your purse will be brimming with change. At the end of each day I empty everything out of my purse £1 and under into a pot. This is such a great way to help let the pennies build up as you hardly notice it. Just last week I managed to get £16 in change from a few months which is obviously being converted into £2 coins at the bank!

3. Set yourself a weekly budget.
At the end of the month when I get paid again I'm going to withdraw £50 from my account every Monday and that will be my money for the week. I'm hoping it will help me take a serious look at my spending habits and stop any frivolous spending - after all it has to cover all luxuries! My left over wages will be put towards a house deposit and into a holiday fund. 2015 will hopefully be the year I become a saving goddess!

4. Write down everything you buy.
It's so easy to spend money willy nilly - it gets to the end of the month and you wonder yet again how on earth you have just £3.56 left in your bank account. The odd bottle of diet coke, copy of Glamour magazine and a Twix soon add up. If you write every single little thing down in a notebook, you'll soon see where all you cash is going and see what you can cut out.

What are your top tips for saving?

5 life goals for 2015

1. Learn a new skill.

Since leaving uni, I've missed learning. I know you learn all the time at work but it's just the same thing. I feel like I need to push myself to do something new and to keep my brain ticking over. This blog is my only hobby apart from spending all my money on ASOS and socialising down the pub. Both things that will need to be cut down on when I start saving for a house. I've got a whole list of things I'm debating which mostly make me sound like an old lady. I want to badger my nan to teach me how to knit, finally figure out how to sew after three years, work out the in and outs of SEO and HTML and take a few lessons in floristry.

2. Invest more time into this blog.

I felt that my blog kinda fell off the radar in 2014 and it didn't really reach it's full potential. This year I really want to improve my content and photography to help give it the shove it needs. I'd like to really pour my heart and soul into my little corner of the internet. It's never going to up there with the big guns but I think it can be pushed a little harder. It's given me so many opportunities so far and I'd like to continue it as it's been a fun four years! I've enjoyed making it more into a lifestyle blog lately and making my posts a little more personal. A massive thanks to everyone who reads it and hopefully you'll all stick around!

3. Learn to budget.

I spend money like nobody's business once I've paid my bills for the month. I actually think I might keep ASOS and Topshop in business. But this year I have to become a bit better. I'm going to withdraw £50 a week and that will have to pay for all my luxuries. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'm hoping it going to help me re-think exactly what I buy and make me appreciate what I have. Wish me luck!

4. See more of the world.

I've well and truly been bitten with the travel bug now and don't really want to spend my money on anything else. I won't be able to go on any big trips like New York this year but I'm going to try my hardest to see a fair bit of Europe - hopefully a trip to America is on the cards in 2016. I've already got a trip booked to Barcelona for a week in August and am hoping to squeeze in Budapest, Newcastle and Amsterdam too. Fingers crossed!

5. Read more books.

As I no longer get the train into work, my reading habits have really slipped. Over the last few months I've hardly ever picked up a book apart from when I have a bath once in a blue moon. I'm going to try and pop my iPad down when I get into bed and squeeze in 30 minutes of reading. It should help my sleeping habits plus it's always enjoyable to lose yourself in a another world eh?

What do you hope to achieve in 2015?

6 things I learnt in 2014

1. Travel is good for the soul.

I've always wanted to see the world and this year I ventured a lot further afield than I have before. I was lucky enough to go to New York, Glastonbury and Bruges alongside various weekends in the UK. New York was absolutely amazing and helped me realise a ten year dream. Next year I'm going to start the dreaded house fund as I dig deep to buy my own house. But I don't want to sacrifice travel so I'm going to have to cut back on a lot of other things. Like they say, travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer so I'm willing to stay in a bit more so I can fulfil my wanderlust. It's worth it.

2. Make more times for friends.

The above photo was taken a few days ago at my friends birthday pub trip that obviously eventually got out of hand, like all trips to the pub with these lot do. I stayed at home during Uni and was stuck with the lads as all the girls more or less moved away. I've got a deep affection for this lot and feel very protective over them - next year marks nine years since we all got to know each other at Sixth Form. Luckily one of the girls moved back home so I'm not outnumbered too much! I didn't really make much time for my friends this year as I let my work take priority and spent a lot more time on my new friendships. That night out on 27th made me realise that making time for your old friends is essential as well as nurturing those new friendships. It's also made me think that it's about time the lads got themselves girlfriends!

3. It's ok to go at your pace.

I spent a part of the year having a bit of a meltdown at the prospect of turning 26 without having much to show for it. But it also made me appreciate my career. I've always been a career girl and was desperate to jump on the ladder and went without a lot to get to where I am today. Hand on my heart, it has all been worth it. Everyone is different and people do things at different times. It is neither right or wrong.

4. Material things don't always make you the happiest.

I've always been a lover of things and am slightly proud of the amount of money I can spend in one shopping trip. But this year I came to the realisation that this isn't the root of all happiness. I know right? Buying that new dress might make you feel good on the day but you can't buy the things that make you happy in life. Memories don't have a price tag. Those evenings you laugh about when you're with your friends, those nights in snuggled in front of the telly with your boyfriend and the days you spend with your nan putting the world to rights are the things that leave you with a big smile on your face.

5. I can do anything I put my mind too.

I had a job title change earlier on in the year and made the switch from pictures to editorial. I'll be honest, I was a wreck for about 3 months constantly doubting my abilities and struggling with the huge change at work. But eventually I began to manage my time better and grew more confident in my abilities when I started to pull things off. I'm still learning but I think I'm - well hope! - improving and it's all thanks to my sheer determination not to be a failure. I haven't quite grasped it all yet but I no longer feel like I'm treading water. I feel like I'm getting somewhere. It just goes to show that hard work does pay off even if it takes six months.

6. It's ok to say no
I always have FOMO and say yes to everything. It can be a blessing and a curse. It means that I've done some amazing things but always that I'm constantly exhausted and feel like I'm running at 100mph all the time. I moved offices this year out to Essex from London and it means my commute time is a lot longer - I don't get home till around 7.30-8pm. I've had to say no to a lot of things as I simply can't muster the energy. But you know what, I actually don't mind. It nice to just come straight home after work and jump in my PJs and paint my nails. Rock and roll!

What did you learn in 2014?

Excuse the grainy photos - they're just a few iPhone snaps of my favourite things I've done this year. It's been a good one 2014!

Acting your age

As I've mentioned before, I turn 26 next month much to my disgust and I keep reading different articles about what things you should or shouldn't be doing once you hit a certain age. What utter rubbish! Just because you hit the grand old age of 25 doesn't mean you should stay indoors and invest in a pipe and slippers. You want to go out dancing and come home when the birds start singing? Then go for! Equally you want to stay in your jammies all day and binge watch Netflix? Go for it!

I'm not about to let my age dictate how I dress, what I do or how I act. And nor should you. Those crop tops are staying in my wardrobe for as long as I have a fairly flat stomach. Even if that means I'm doing it well into my 30s and I'm getting tutted at in the street. I'm also going to carry on going to a club and dancing until my feet are about to fall off. Who cares if society decides 'you're too old' to do certain things. You only get one life so you may as well do what makes you happy. I've not got enough time to worry about what other people think of my actions or if i'm acting my age.

Growing old disgracefully seems kinda perfect to me! I'll be the old lady wearing red lipstick, unsensible shoes, sequins and dancing to the YMCA loud and proud. Care to join me?

Why I love blogging

Blogging is a funny old business isn't it? It changed a great deal since I first started over five years ago and has really exploded. I still remember the day I pressed publish on my very first post. I was sitting round my boyfriend's house messing around on my laptop while he was concentrating on the football. I'd been reading through a few of my favourite blogs and thought 'you know what? I can do that'. They'd been badgering us at Uni to start a blog as it would be good for our portfolio. I decided I had nothing to lose and lost myself writing a few meaningless words. The rest is history and I've never looked back.

Hand on my heart, this blog is the best thing i've ever done. It gets a lot of flack in the real world and even in 2014 the average person doesn't really know what it is. My friends still scratch their heads at the thought of me posting my mug on the internet on a weekly basis. My 'blog face' has become a running joke. But it's thanks to this little site on the internet that I've had some of the best experiences of my life.

I've been taken to Paris, been gifted some wonderful clothes by some of my favourite brands, appeared on companies own blogs, been taken out for dinner and been treated to lots of fun evenings out. It still blows my mind when I get an email in my inbox regarding this blog. I can't believe they're interested in little old me!

I also met some of the best girls I have had the pleasure of knowing. I was always very much 'one of the lads' and didn't really have a solid big group of girl friends to call my own. This soon changed. We first started talking to each other on Twitter, then meeting in person at events, then meeting before events to go for dinner, then meeting just for dinner and finally going round and having sleepovers at each other's houses. Now they're no longer just 'internet' friends but just good old friends. Friends I know I can count on to tell me if i'm being an idiot - we all need that - and who will be a shoulder to lean on when it all gets a bit too much. It's amazing what the internet can do. You all know who you are!

If you're thinking of starting a blog, just take the plunge. You won't regret it. I don't know if I'll ever stop, after five years it's still not old hat. I love thinking up new blog posts and taking pictures. It still gives me a fuzzy feeling when I gain a new follower or a comment. I may not be as well developed as other blogs or have a massive following but i'm very much proud of this place on the internet. It's been a fantastic ride.

Embracing the junk (in your trunk)

It's hard being a woman. There I said it. Seeing stunning, slim girls in magazines can play havoc with your self confidence. Everyone always has an opinion of how you should look and what is attractive.

I spent years wishing I was built differently. I always wanted to be straight up straight down but alas this wasn't to be. I was born a classic pear shape with my hips being the largest part of my body.

Despite knowing deep down I'm not fat, I'm constantly trying to better my eating habits and lose weight. I'm the girl always moaning about how many calories I'm consuming yet will always have that extra glass of wine or eat everyone's leftovers. I blame the former chubby girl inside who lost three stone at the age of 18 on Weightwatchers. I always see that girl in the mirror. I last a week, maybe two weeks of being a machine with my eating habits then I fall spectacularly. Usually when I get the chance to go out for dinner and stuff my face with three courses. I know I should exercise more and stop eating as much junk food.

But do you know what? I've started to embrace who I am. I'm in a healthy weight range for my height even if it may be at the higher end. My height helps me to carry off any few dreaded pounds that I might be carrying. I have a boyfriends who loves me just the way I am. I would love to lose half a stone but I also love to enjoy life - which to me means eating all the food. In the world. Swings and roundabouts.

At the grand old age of 25 I've finally worked out what clothes suit me and help my confidence grow. I like to wear crop tops as my stomach is flat and my waist is my smallest part. I find the 50's silhouette skims my hips and helps me appear much more slimmer than I am. The midi length is perfect to hide the top half of my legs. I would love to wear trousers but they just cling far too much to my child bearing hips doing me no favours. I ain't ever going to be a jeans and tee kinda girl. My bum doesn't agree with that!

It may be cliché but it really is true that you become more comfortable in yourself the older you get. You just learn to not really care any more. Life is far too short to be counting calories all the time. If you want to have that burger, stuff it in your face. Just try to maybe have a better day the next. It's all about balance. It wouldn't be any fun if everyone looked the same. I bet what you have in your eyes as perfection, someone else has you as perfection.

Fake the confidence until you have it my friends. You're beautiful just the way you are.

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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