
A few things that will make my life complete:

Leather shorts
Cut off demins
Leopard print faux fur coat
Basic stripy t shirts
Black suede wedges
White tights
Floral shirts

I promise I have been a good girl Father Christmas. Im not really asking for much.

You sound like your from Landan

So here I am still recovering from Saturday night in Camden, probs doesnt help ive just polished off a bottle with the bestest tonight, but hey ho! I must be getting old, its not normal that hangovers last 2 days. I blame the lack of sleep.
Here is my first attempt at a proper outfit post, i fear i look like a idiot but you know needs must and all that. Im asking for you all not to jusge me ha!
Please ignore the extremely cluttered bedroom!

The rundown:

Playsuit: Next. I love the fact that the florals can be used for any season, both summer and winter colours. Pain in the bum to go to the toilet in though, not a good drunk option!

Shoes: Next £7. Good old discount and voucher won in a competition got me these bargains. I need a new pair though

Tights: Primarni £1

Velvet Jacket: Topshop £45. One of the best buys ever, brought about 5 years ago and still going strong. I love how it jazzs up any outfit.

Brooch: Stolen from the mother

Nail Varnish: Nails inc, free with this months glamour. Nails Inc is the only nail varnish that does not chip on me after an hour. Not too keen on the price though!


Winter warmer

This charity gem passes the handbag by, I am offically in love. I have been after a chunky knit baggy jumper since september, saw one in Topshop but alas I could not find the £48 to buy it. Seems to be the story of my life recently.
I was trying to waste some time during my lunch hour at Uni as you do and thought id pop into my favourite charity shop to see if I could find any bargains. After picking up a shoe shaped soap from the V&A museum and trying on a fur coat for ages umming and ahhing on wether I could actually afford the £20 (decided against it, I need the money for alcohol at the weekend), I spied a cream woolly arm. Lo and behold it was a chunky knit baggy jumper not too different from the topshop version and for only £3.55! It has brown speckles in it which wasent really what I was after buy hey I can afford to buy another one when i see it at this price.

Please dont mind me modelling it, Ive just finished Uni and look a tad rough but I think it looks so much better on than it does off! Ive just realised that this photo makes me look consipated, oh well not everyone can be good with having their photo taken!

Isnt it a beaut?

Im going to attempt a full outfit post on Saturday, been reading far too many blogs and wanna do one myself! It is suppose to be about fashion after all!


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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