Why a little self-praise goes a long way

Bigging yourself is hard isn't it? As a Brit I'm very self-deprecating and find it difficult to accept compliments gracelessly. I like to to think it's what makes us so charming as a nation. Some might disagree. Someone tells me that my dress looks nice? I often reply that's it's only an old Primark number and it was the only thing that didn't need ironing. Someone tells me that they enjoyed an article I've written? I often rip it to pieces and say oh I wish I'd popped this in.

We're often told that no one likes a bragger. No one likes someone who is overconfident about their abilities, their looks and their work. But sometimes you have to believe in yourself. Because if you don't believe you're capable of doing amazing things or that all your hard work has made into a little star, how do you expect anyone else too?

I often feel like a bit of a fraud. I work in an industry that is very subjective. One person could love your writing whereas another might think it needs a lot of work. That's what happens when you work in a creative industry. There is no right or wrong answer as colleagues all have different things that they look out for. I admit that my confidence was knocked following my redundancy and I seriously considered a career change. But then I freelanced at a handful of places and after seeing my work published, I began to think maybe I wasn't so bad at this writing lark after all. I just needed to believe in myself. To tell myself that I do have the skills and I'm actually not too shabby at stringing a few words together. It's incredible how much of a weight was lifted off my shoulders after I allowed myself to feel proud. How much my confidence grew.

It doesn't make yourself a bad person to praise your abilities. To say you know what? I'm actually bloody good at doing this and I don't care who knows. It's not about being a big head. It's about being proud at how far you've come and that your efforts have finally paid off.

You've got this. You just have to admit it yourself.

Review: Paesan, Exmouth Market

Exmouth Market is fast becoming one of my favourite foodie haunts in the city so when I was invited down to try out the delights of Paesan, I couldn't say yes quick enough. The Italian kitchen boasts a snazzy restaurant upstairs but we trudged down into the basement to enjoy the cocktail bar. With lots of cocktails. Lots and lots of cocktails.

Specialising in small plates, the restaurant totally spoiled us. After sampling a good few cocktails on the menu - the Basil Grande a personal highlight! - we got stuck into a feast. The antipasti came out first overflowing with moorish fennel salami, freshly baked focaccia smothered in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salty prosciutto and spicy soppressata piccante. A complete attack on the tastebuds in the most perfect way.

Pasta was up next. I always find pasta is incredibly hard to execute in a restaurant. I very rarely leave wowed by a pasta dish and find they often come up short. Well, not at Paesan! I was blown away by the hand cut el dente Pappardelle pasta with a generous helping of melt-in-your-mouth, rich braised rabbit paired with nutty wild mushrooms. I had more than my fair share of this dish!

Although not pictured, I've got to give a shout out to the tender steak tagliata too. With peppery rocket, balsamic vinegar and a scattering of rich parmesan, it totally converted this girl. Definitely one to choose if you don't fancy a pasta dish.

The moist, citrus lemon cake was the perfect end to such a gorgeous meal. I may have nicked a triamasu too. You know, just to make sure it passed the test.

Paesan also have a lunchtime stall outside the restaurant for those who work in the area. At just £5 for an enormous portion and a different option daily, it seems a crime not to try it out!

Thanks so much for the invite guys!

Square Meal

Recipe: Chorizo, Black Pudding and Fried Egg Salad

I was contacted by Florette Salad to see if I wanted to put together recipe. There's lots of salad recipes on their website! I said yes and racked my brains to come up with a hearty dish that wouldn't leave me feeling peckish an hour later. I got the inspiration for this recipe from a delicious salad I had while I was in Scotland. I tweaked it a little and came up with this tasty recipe.

Handful of Florette crispy leaves*
Some chunky chorizo
1 fried egg
4 slices of black pudding

1. Pop the black pudding and chrozio in a frying pan laced with frylight oil. Fry for a couple of minutes until the fried egg is ready.

2. Lace another frying pan with frylight and crack an egg. Once it's suitably cooked, start arranging an handful of salad leaves on a place.

3. Scatter the chorizo and black pudding over the leaves before popping the fried egg on top. Season with salt and pepper if you wish.

Let me know if you make it! It's something nice and quick to make for lunch when you have lots of things to do. Like watching Netflix...


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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