An evening with Motel and Glossybox

As I mentioned on Sunday I was very lucky to be invited to the Motel/Glossybox bloggers evening to showcase the company's fantastic Christmas collection. Boy do Motel know how to throw a party! It was amazing! I took advantage, as you do, of the cocktails, popcorn and candy floss as well as having a cheeky cupcake or two! I have honestly never seen so many bloggers all in once place. It was so nice to have people to talk to about blogging, I usually get from my friends "huh you take pictures of yourself? Why?"

To be honest I had never shopped in Motel because I just assumed that it was just bodycon and I have never been a fan of trying to squeeze myself into a tight dress. How wrong was it? They sell everything from coloured jeans, leopard print blouses and lace shorts. I had a lot of trouble chosing an item to take home with me so put down two, very excited to see what one I am to be given!

I finally met the lovely ladies who I pester on twitter so much and thus then started to pester them in real life too. Sarah, Rachel, Charlotte, Hannah and Eloise all made me feel so welcome and not so much of a loon when I started to stalk them! I also met up again with Steph and Dani but unfortunately didn't get to talk them as much as I would have like! I met some new ladies such as Rebecca and Sarah. I am so sorry if I didn't get the chance to say boy or hello to anyone, I felt a bit overwhelmed and just didn't know who to talk to. I just keep floating all over the place! I am also sorry if I have missed you off my list, I lost track of just how many people I spoke it!

Thank you so so much for Motel and Glossybox for throwing such a fantastic shindig and to Selina for inviting me :)

I was very kindly given permission to use the photos by the Glossybox team and Steph. I haven't included any pictures of my mug as I am in dire need of a fringe cut. I look like cousin It and you would not have been able to see my face anyway :)

A snapshot #3

001. After a rubbish day at work my boyfriend was waiting for me at home with this gorgeous bunch of flowers. What made it even the more lovely was the fact I wasn't due to see him that night because he was off out with his football friends. He rushed home on his way to Camden, he's a sweetheart eh?

002. After constant moaning about not losing any weight, to be honest I haven't been putting as much effort in as I can. I have decided the make the most of my Jazzacise membership and have been four times this week. Hopefully this will be the sign of things to come!.

003. London town. I spent quite a few days in London this week which is always a pleasure. I just wish I was back working full time in the city, I miss it.

004 - 005. One of the reasons I went to London was to attend the Motel/Glossybox blogger event. I was so shocked when the invite came through my inbox but oh so happy. I had such an amazing time meeting all my favourite bloggers. Got a post dedicated to this coming up soon!

Ethical Fashion

Orange full skirt dress: River Island via eBay
Black vintage kelly handbag: Carboot
Vintage silk scarf: Beyond Retro
Blue cameo necklace: Charity shop
Black cardigan: Primark
Black faux suede smoking slippers: Next

This post is part of a competition entry for the Ethical Fashion blog. The competition is open to all fashion bloggers so why not pop over to Style Eyes Ethical Fashion blog to find out more. The prizes are amazing! The only rule is at least one item of your outfit must be upcycled, vintage, second hand, ethical fashion shops, from a jumble, carboot or charity shop.

I must admit I have not fully jumped onto the ethical fashion bandwagon just yet. I am still in the stage of liking to have lots of things rather than just a few things. I am still a fast fashion kinda of girl. I have however fully hopped onto the charity shop and vintage bandwagon and can't see me getting off anytime soon.

It has always been a running joke amongst my friends that I dress like a granny. It's no secret that I lust over things from the bygone eras. As much as I love spending hours in a vintage shop I hate the prices. What do they have to be so darn expensive? Hence why I tend to get most of my vintage from charity shops and carboots. I love the fact that the items have a history behind them and the fact that they are originals. It is so much nicer actually owning a bag from the 1960's rather than having a replica from Topshop. Of course there is always the plus of wearing something that no one else has, I have often been out and spotted someone in the same dress as me. Oh the shame!

This post reminds me how I need to make more of an effort to visit charity shops to pick up some goodies! Nothing beats a charity shop binge.

What are your opinions on ethical fashion? Do you frequent charity shops?

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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