Why your 20s are an adventure

I'm fast accelerating towards my late twenties and I feel like I'm desperately holding onto my twenties. But I have to admit, your twenties are bloody hard.

You finish university after slogging your guts out for three years before being thrown in head first into a career. But first you spend a year interning, often working seven days a week so you can afford to have a social life. When you finally get that elusive entry-level job, you start at the very bottom and spend the next few years frantically trying to work your way up. You go from buying everything Topshop on payday to scrimping and saving to buy your first house. Like I said, your twenties are bloody hard.

But you know what? Your twenties are also full of adventure. You'll never be this young or as carefree again with relatively no ties. So what if you're not shooting up the career ladder as fast as your friends or that you're still living at home. Your twenties should be about living in the moment. Taking grasp of every opportunity that is thrown your way. Going on your dream holidays and seeing all the places you've only ever seen pictures of. Taking the risks you want in your career. If you want to finally get to Australia instead of buying a house, make sure you apply for that visa. Save the house deposit for another day. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just make sure you spend your twenties with minimum regrets.

Don't be made to feel like you haven't got your shizzle together just because you're not following protocol. Jump abroad the wagon and hold on tight! Save being sensible for when you hit 30.

OOTD: Grey Biker Jacket

Grey pleather biker jacket: Matalan (similar)
Black jersey midi dress: ASOS (similar)
Grey leather ankle boots: Office (similar)

I spotted this jacket in Matalan during a time -wasting exercise before I had to be somewhere. Bad idea. You will always spot something you need especially if it's a few days after payday. But how can I have regrets about such a beauty eh? The following day I read in a magazine that coloured biker jackets were the next big thing for summer. Such a trendy Wendy! I wanted a lighter jacket for the warmer months as black looks too harsh against pretty summer dresses. The best bit was it was only 25 quid. Bargain!

I'm doing the Race for Life on 30th May - best start trying to run for more than five minutes! I'm not a natural runner if I'm honest. I'd be so grateful if anyone could spare a pound or two for such a great cause. Thank you in advance!


Review: Honest Burgers

Honest Burgers are my favourite burger joint in town. I've lost number of the amount of times I've scoffed my face in one of their restaurants. When I saw a picture of their newest special on Twitter in conjunction with the Spanish shop Brindisa, I knew I had to make a return trip. If you're planning a visit, hurry up as it's only on sale until 11th May.

The special consisted of a large juicy dry-aged beef patty, pickled garlic, creamy smoked San Simรณn cheese, a couple of mild Guindilla chillies and Iberico Chorizo Sobrasada made from from Iberico bellota (acorn-fed) ham inside a sturdy brioche bun. All served alongside the incredibly moreish rosemary chips. A superb selection of crispy and soft chips. The bun held together perfectly until the final hurdle and the lashings of cheese provided the perfect contrast to the burger.

It was obviously washed down with a glass of their sweet homemade lemonade. A must if you ever visit!

Have you tried Honest Burger yet?

Square Meal

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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