If you're anything like me, come the second week of payday you're as poor as a pauper and have to stay in and stare at the four walls for the remaining of the week. So when Blinkbox got in touch with me and aksed if I was interested in reviewing some films I jumped at the chance. Watching movies online is a great way to save some money. Along with some cinema worth snacks - pizza and chips and dip for me - it can make staying in on a friday night a lot more exciting.


Have you tried Blinkbox yet?

Turkey 2013

After getting back from a week long trip to Turkey I feel like I need another holiday. Isn't that always the way?! Last week I spent seven days in the bosom of my family - my mum, dad, nan and boyfriend -  for my mother's 50th birthday. With beautiful weather - i'd forgotten what 30 degree sunshine feels like - it was the perfect place to wind down and relax. I've got to be honest I didn't really do a lot apart from a few afternoon trips and sleeping. One day I reckon I must have slept for about 17 hours on and off. I turned into a sloth it seemed! Bodrum is a lovely place full of character. It's just a shame it doesn't have a beach but the jetty soon made up for that. After consuming enough food and alcohol to look nine months pregnant, i'm already counting down the days until my next trip to Ireland!

How have you all been keeping since i've been away? Will I be seeing anyone at the Rush Hair event tonight?

Byron - A restaurant review

Burgers at the moment are my favourite things to eat so when I asked my friends out for dinner I naturally suggested them. Let me introduce you to Byron.

This is my second time to the chain but i'm in love. The courgette fries are worth a trip alonge. These beauties are heavenly. I would never have thought to try them if Hannah and Aisling hadn't suggested them but I honestly think they're better than normal fries. The mac and cheese was a welcome side too, if not a little odd with a burger. That's my boyfriend for you! I opted for the special this time which is sadly not available anymore but I can vouch for the cheeseburger with bacon. It's just as good.

Overall Byron makes a nice change from many chain restaurants. It has a great rustic atomsphere and the staff are always friendly. The burger is brilliantly cooked with just the right amount of pink middle. The bun soaks up the juice without falling apart too - nothing worse than a soggy bun as i'm sure you'll agree. Byron's not just restricted to London either. They have restaurants in Oxford, Cambridge and Kent too so make sure you check them out!

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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