My Olympic experience so far

I may be an Essex girl born and bred but London's always had a special place in my heart. From the day my parents took me to the Natural History Museum - I asked to go for my fourth birthday so i've always been a geek -  i've been hooked on the big smoke. I'm finally living my dream of working in the city and hopefully may even move there one day. I therefore think of London as my city and have been extremely proud of how it's pulled the Olympics off. The atmosphere has been electric and i've tried to take advantage. So far i've managed to catch the football, cycling road race and women's hockey and am popping along to the women's marathon tomorrow with my nan and mum. I can't believe just how well team GB are performing and it makes me incredibly proud to be a Brit. For such a small country we have an immense wealth of talent. I feel so lucky to have seen the Olympics in my home country, COME ON TEAM GB!!

P.S Please ignore the not too flattering photos of me - I had extremely early starts ha!

P.P.S That's my dear old dad i'm standing with outside Wembley.


Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you

Orange lace midi dress: Asda
Denim jacket: Primark
Nude ballet pumps: New Look
Oversize faux-pearl necklace: gift from friend

This an example of an outfit that I wear to work. My office is fairly casual - lots wear jeans and converse. But I like to make the effort to dress up a bit more as I have so many clothes it'd be a crime not to wear them! This denim jacket is one of the best investments i've worn in a long time - it's perfect for the 'summer' we seem to be having! I brought this dress in the sale and it's the perfect length for work to wear with bare legs. It's also pretty handy to take on holiday with me as I guess i'll only wear it a handful of times thanks to this brilliant weather.

I've been getting into the Olympic spirit this week having attended the mens road race and womens hockey today. Attending these sorts of events make me realise just how much I love london. The city really has done so well even if London Transport did make me an hour late for the hockey this morning. Suppose a deflective train can't really be helped... I'm off to see the football quarter final on Saturday, I need GB to come second in their group to see them. I'm also going to attend the womens marathon on Sunday so it's a jam-packed week!

Has anyone else been religiously watching the Olympics? Or been to see some action themselves?


Bloggers wear pineapples

So on Saturday a group of bloggers decided to take over Hyde Park to stuff themselves with lots of food and have a gossip. Thankfully the sun decided to finally come out so we didn't have to huddle underneath umbrellas.

What a complete and utter fantastic day it was. The dream team pulled off a corker. I met up with Sarah, Hannah, Sarah, Ashling and Michelle to source the best spot to have out picnic and I don't think I stopped laughing  all day. It was so lovely of people to come and join in with us and i'm touched by how many people made the effort. I didn't get to talk to as many people as I wanted but then that's always the way. Just means we have to hold another one eh?

 Can you tell me and Hannah enjoyed cider that day?
 Sarah's amazing homemade cupcakes. I can confirm they were very tasty indeed!
 How many bloggers does it take to work out how to use a bubble blower? THREE! I love Leanne's excited face!
 I think we had more than enough food don't you?! Would just like to say how yummy Elodie's amazing peanut butter cookies were. I may have eaten three...

Photos stolen from Hannah and Sarah as i've broken my camera boo!

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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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