Don't talk to girls, they'll break you heart

Brown and beige polka dot dress: Topshop
Beige cardigan: Primark
Brown tights: Primark
Long pearl necklace: Miss Selfridge
Beige statement ring: Accesorize
Red watch: Toywatch

I have decided to make a bit of an effort today even though I am staying indoors surrounded by textbooks. I am hoping that it will spur me on. Usually I slob around in my PJs. Its working ok so far!

I love this dress, it is so comfortable and light. It could be longer, not sure I will be brave enought to wear it without tights. I have worn it with a longer cardigan but it felt quite bulky. A shorter one helps show off my waist and not make me look like a blob! I think this style of dress is most flattering to wear on my body shape.

Today has been a very stressful day! I wanted to make a start on my two features that I need to do for my international journalism module. Ideally I wanted to get them finished so I can get them checked over as soon as possible. But no one will talk to me! I have phoned various press offices who have said they are too "busy" to speak to me. Greenpeace said they did not have the time to get a expert but the question I asked regarding the radiation in Japan would surely be on a press release somewhere no? Thats what the Foriegn Office press officer did. World Nuclear Association press office told me he was not prepared to answer my questions if I did not do my homework aka read the website. I am sorry if I do not understand posh jargon and wanted a direct quote! I just needed some primary sources! Luckily the Foreign Office were lovely and she gave brilliant long answers. I just really wanted more than one primary source to get the best possible grade. Alas the rest may have to be secondary sources! Ugh frustrating day! Still hopefully I will be able to get one essay and feature finished today. Might have to give jazzacise a miss if I dont get it done in time :(

I would also like to give my best friend a bit love as shes having a rough time at the minute. I know she reads this and was in fact my first follower, dedication or what?!? She always takes the mick out of my blog haha! I just want to say good luck Helen and I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Ill be here for you when your ready babeface!

I hope everyone else has had a much better day!

Music Monday - The Wombats

The WombatsI thought it was only fitting that The Wombats featured on Music Monday beens I am off to see them tonight at Hammersmith Apollo. I have seen them once before quite a few years ago at Koko just after "Lets dance to Joy Division" was released. That is still one of my favourites, it never fails to get me dancing!
I love The Wombats because they make fun music. Its fast and furious and always makes you want to shake your little bum. A favourite for me to listen too while I'm getting ready for a night out. Really does get you in the mood for dancing! They are amazing live and really know how to get the crowd going.

I am ashamed to say that I have not heard much of their new album, only the singles released on XFM. I am too scared to illegally download and not had the money to invest in any new music. But I am sure it will be amazing just like the rest of their material. I am looking forward to hearing some new songs tonight but also hoping that they play some of the oldies!

I leave you with my favourite, "Lets dance to Joy Division". Give them a listen!

Images from Google
Video from youtube


She's a maneater

Peter pan collar leopard print dress: River Island via Ebay
Beige cardigan: Primark
Bow nude patent loafers: Primark
Brown tights: Primark
Beige kelly bag: Charity shop
Red watch: Toywatch
Pearl beaded bracelet: Thomas Sabo
Red nail narnish: OPI Thanks so muchness

I realise I look like coco the clown with the amount of make up I have on. The red cheeks are due to the fact it was boiling in my boyfriends house not that I had fun with blusher a bit too much haha!

This is the famous ebay dress! Hope its not a dissapointment haha! I have tried to show the collar in the second image. I love it, the leopard print is a bit too yellow but I think it works. It fits like a dream and has lovely rouched arms. The more I look at this outfit the more I think I look like a little old lady haha. The pearls, cardigan, bag and loafers all scream little old lady! I am always joking to my boyfriend that I take my inspiration from the oldies! I love these loafers, I have them in black too. Really can't go wrong when they only cost a tenner!

Me and the boyfriend did a spot of babysitting on babysitting for a family friend on Friday night and very kindly got paid for it. I really didnt expect anything because they supplied us with KFC, sweets and popcorn, I was more than ok being paid in chicken haha! So it was a nice surprise. We decided to go out for dinner at the local mexican restaurant last night (where I wore this outfit). Ahhhh it was gorgeous! As always I completely stuffed my face and left feeling that I needed to rolled back to the car as walking was far too muh effort. I feel off the lent wagon completely and had chilli nachos to start with chicken enchiladas as a main. I didn't have any fizzy drinks though so I am keeping to that side of the bargain! We had not been out for dinner for ages and it was nice to spend time together outside of a house!

I'm not really up too much today, been given the time off work. I think I am going to gatecrash my boyfriend down the pub in a little while then we are going shopping because his wardrobe is appalling. We had a clear out and he literally has no clothes. I might spend the money I have left over from the babysitting too. The £15 is burning a hole in my pocket, seen a gorgeous lace dress in Primark.

Anyone else got anything more exciting planned for today?


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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