Weightwatchers Challenge #1 - Sort your fridge

As you know I was very excitedly asked to become a Weightwatchers ambassador and as part of my role i'll be taking on weekly challenges. The first challenge asked us to sort out our fridges and remove the temptation of left over food by putting it out of sight. We were also asked to create a recipe using the leftovers. I must say I was very proud of this one as it was so tasty! On New Years Day we had roasted gammon and my mum rather overestimated how much we needed so we were left with over half a joint. With this in mind I decided to rustle up a tortilla.

This will feed around four for lunch or light dinner. You can have half each for a more filling dinner with some salad on the side. It's around 22 propoints for the whole dish. The sheer amount of vegetables help to make it very filling! I used these vegetables as they were in the fridge. It only takes around 20 minutes or so to cook so you don't  have to spend the whole night cooking! Ideal for a mid week dinner.

You'll need:
1 onion
1 leek
100g of gammon
4 eggs
Pepper to season
4 tablespoons of milk
1 Courgette
3 sprays of Fry Lite

001. Spray the Fry Lite into a large frying pan and saute the onion for around 3 minutes or until it starts to go golden brown.

002. Crack the eggs into a jug along with the milk and as much pepper as you want. Give it a good whisk and leave it to one side.

003. Add the leeks and cook them for around 3-4 minutes.

004. I cut the courgettes into smaller slices so they cooked quicker but it's up to you. Add them to the frying pan and cook for about 3-4 minutes again.

005. Add the sliced gammon and warm through. Remember to keep stirring so it's even.

006. Place the egg mixture into the frying pan. Leave until the bottom feels a bit solid. It's doesn't matter if the mixture isn't cooked on top.

007. Put the frying pan under the grill. Just keep it under there until the mixture cooks on top and it starts to go brown. Make sure you keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn!

008: Ta da! Look how yummy it looks! I put a teaspoon of low fat cream cheese on mine to make it a bit more exciting. Jut remember to add the extra propoint value.

Let me know  if you make it! You'll be able to see how I sorted my fridge on Instagram later on in the week.

If you're thinking of giving Weightwatchers a whirl you can look into joining here. It's well worth the investment! You can't put a price on being healthy.

December empties

001. Original Batiste Dry Shampoo
I've been having a love affair with this product since I was 14. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread when I discovered I no longer had to wash my hair everyday - anyone else find hair washing a chore? It's a complete god send for girls with fringes as I find this is the first part of my hair to go greasy. All you need is to rigerously massage the product in and voila perfectly style hair. It's also a winner to help add more volume.

002. Nivea Firming Body Oil
This was first brought on a whim as it was on special offer. I liked it so much that this is the third bottle. I'm going to put this out there and say I suffer from stretch marks on my legs thanks to an unwanted growth spurt at the age of 11. Oh woe is me! Therefore i'm always after a wonder product to help make them fade. This along with Palmers Cocoa Butter does them a world of good. It will probably work better if I used it twice a day - i'm just too lazy!

003. Boots Essentials Cucumber Cleansing Wipes
After being warned against using facewipes to remove make up - such a novice - i've switched over to make up remover. But these come in very handy for when i've had a few too many drinks and can't be bothered to go through the motions. They are nearly always on offer and if you keep them upside down they stay very moist. Nothing worse than a dry facewipe!

004.Nivea Visage Daily Essentials Refeshing Cleansing Lotion
My all time favourite cleanser is Caudalie but at £15 it's not always affordable so i'm always on the look out for other alternatives. This cleanser glides effortless on the skin and doesn't leave the area looking greasy. A little goes a long way so the bottles lasts for a very long time - making it great value for money.

005.Caudalie Fleur De Vigne
I went along to a Caudalie evening hosted by Glossybox and because I spent an absolute fortune - easily swayed - I was given this perfume as a free gift. It has a lovely fresh smell and is perfect for everyday when you don't want a overpowering scent.

006. GreenPeople Fruitful Nights night cream for younger looking skin
I recieved this in a Glossybox a little while ago. You can never tell how well a product works - in my opinon - from just using a sample. I can't tell you if it's a wonder product but I can tell you that it feels lovely on your skin! It does have a very clinical smell though which I wasn't over keen on.

Have you tried any of these products?

When the clock strikes 12

Black dipped hem vest top: Topshop
Black skinny jeans: Primark
Faux fur leopard print collarless coat: Next
Red woolly scarf: New Look
Black diamond slipper shoes : Topshop

I can't believe that Christmas is over for yet another year - it seems to have gone in the blink of an eye. I had an amazing few days and was very spoilt by my nearest and dearest. Lots of new things to use! This faux fur coat is a firm favourite and was brought for a bargain price of £25 in the Next sale a good few years ago. It always makes me feel very glam! I'm so glad I brought this cosy scarf - it had to be snapped up at only £4. Red and leopard print is one of my favourite combos to put togther.

2012 has been a year of many highs and lows. It was the year where I finally got my first proper job in the media industry after three long years at Uni, saved up enough cash to buy my dream bag of a Mulberry Bayswater and lost over a stone on Weightwatchers - let's forget i've nearly put it all back on... Sadly it was also the year where my nan passed away. Watching my nan slowly waste away was one of the hardest things i've ever had to see in my life. I wouldn't even wish it upon my worst enemy in the world. But that period proved that when the going really does get tough there's no one else you can rely on apart from your family and my family are made of solid gold. It's made me even more grateful to the family members who are still here.

I'm very much looking forward to 2013 and fingers crossed it's going to be a good one. I'm aiming to see much more of the UK with the boyfriend - nothing beats an impromptu road trip at the weekend - , save up for a red KitchenAid to embrace my inner baking goddess, lose a stone and half so I look smoking hot and plough much more of my time into blogging. I really do enjoying blogging but real life has a sneaky way of taking over sometimes.

I'm looking forward to seeing friends and having a dance tonight. I'm off to a Disney-themed fancy dress party and am going as Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Still not entirely sure with my outft but it's a bit too late to change my mind. My boyfriend is going as Jack Skellington so hopefully we'll look good together!

What are your plans for NYE?


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A Essex based lifestyle blogger who lives a champagne life on a lemonade purse!

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